Benefit of SPIRULINA

Benefits of Spirulina

Spirulina often gets misclassified as an herb because of its amazing health promoting properties, but it's actually a cyanobacteria, a blue-green algae that's found in pristine freshwater lakes, ponds, and rivers. It is most commonly recognized as one of the world's most nutritionally complete superfoods, as it offers health benefits to practically every organ and bodily function.

Spirulina Modulates the Immune Response

Spirulina has long been revered for its ability to strengthen the immune system. Because it actively promotes cell regeneration, it helps wounds heal quicker, and makes recovery from illnesses occur faster. Spirulina fortifies one's immune system, leaving the person less likely to experience colds, flus, and other contractible illnesses.

Spirulina Assists in Keeping Eyes Healthy

Spirulina is an excellent supplement for those looking to improve their eye health. This blue-green algae is very rich in vitamin A, and this vitamin is exceptionally important for healthy eyes. For this same reason, eating more carrots has long been recommended to those looking to improve their eye health, but spirulina actually has ten times the vitamin A concentration gram per gram of carrots.

Spirulina Reduces Inflammation and Eases PMS Symptoms

Spirulina is one of the leading sources of Gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), one of the most powerful anti-inflammatory agents in nature. GLA is also particularly beneficial to women, as it can ease the symptoms of PMS. Gram per gram, it also has 26-times the calcium of milk, making it an excellent nutritional supplement for pregnant women.

Spirulina Helps Improve the Digestive System

Spirulina eases the passage of waste through the digestive system, thereby reducing stress on the entire system. It also promotes healthy bacteria in the digestive system, and helps to improve the absorption of dietary nutrients.

Spirulina Helps the Body Detox Naturally

Spirulina has a very high concentration of chlorophyll, one of nature's most powerful detoxifying agents. It has been shown to be effective at helping remove toxins from the blood, and it binds to heavy metals and radioactive isotopes, making it very beneficial for those undergoing radioactive therapy.

Additional Health Benefits of Spirulina

• Spirulina is very high in bio-available iron, making it beneficial to those with anemia or pregnancy, with reduced risk of constipation
• Spirulina is a very good source of vitamins B-1(thiamine), B-2 (riboflavin), B-3(nicotinamide), B-6 (pyridoxine), B-9 (folic acid), vitamin C, vitamin D, and vitamin E
• It is also high in potassium, chromium, copper, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, selenium, sodium, and zinc
• It has four times the antioxidant ability of blueberries
• Spirulina can help alleviate allergies, and protect against allergic reactions
• Spirulina is an exceptional source of protein: gram per gram more so than beef, poultry, fish, and soybeans


Radiation Exposure and the healing benefits of Spirulina

Spirulina may be of benefit for people concerned with exposure to radiation. Several studies have been done on the use of Spirulina in this area:

  • Spirulina reduced urine radioactivity by 50% in only 20 days in children who were exposed to radiation by the Chernobyl nuclear meltdown.
  • Subsequently, a Russian patent was awarded for use of Spirulina from improving immunity of children affected by the Chernobyl disaster. Significant improvement was found in immune markers in their blood after 45 days of Spirulina supplementation.
  • A Polysaccharide found in Spirulina shows chemo-protective and radio-protective capabilities in laboratory animals *
  • Spirulina extract provided a radio-protective effect in mouse bone marrow cells*
  • An extract of Spirulina combined with vitamin complex led to a correcting effect in rats exposed to radiation*

Fortunately, Fukushima has not affected our Spirulina or Astaxanthin. Though we haven’t had any problems with radiation, Nutrex Hawaii does testing in our labs and we also send samples to an outside, third party lab for radiation testing. Each test has come back negative for radiation. We also want to note that our Spirulina and Astaxanthin products are not grown in the ocean- they are grown in lined, fresh water ponds. The 5% sea water mixture in the spirulina is pumped from 2000 ft below the ocean surface and has not seen the surface in over 2000 years. It pretty much some of the purest water you can get.

The Spirulina Benefits




Nature is considered as the basic source of every human need. While there are already beneficial microorganisms living inside a human’s body, there arestill lots of microorganisms need by humans that can be found in nature.

Some of these microorganisms have already been used back then because of the benefits that these microorganisms contains. Spirulina is one of the microorganisms that hold very essential substances that are beneficial to human’s health. That is why various supplements have already been formulated out of it.

Spirulina is a type of algae specifically a water plant that has been considered as a rich source of food. For a long time now, spirulina has been used as a dietary supplement. One of the Spirulina Benefits is that it is am excellent source of vegetable protein. The level of protein that spirulina contains is said to be higher than the ones found in beef and fish. It also provides a lot of multivitamins such as Vitamin B12 as well as minerals such as Sodium, Potassium, magnesium, iron and phosphorus.

Spirulin benefits also contain beta-carotene that helps in protecting the cells and gamma-Linolein acid. Gamma-Linolein acid is considered to be beneficial because of its ability to reduce cholesterol and prevent any heart ailments.

Spirulina is a powerful antioxidant and due to that, many people are able to lose weight easily. One of the most vital spirulina benefits, which were proven by research, is that it can aid in fighting cancer and any viral illnesses. It is also proven to enhance a person’s immune system. It was also proven that spirulina  helps in increasing the libido level of individuals.

As mentioned, spirulina benefits are not a new knowledge from the human race anymore because as it was said, spirulina supplements have already been long used even before. Due to that, individuals already know its capability and what it can offer to them.

Aside from the mentioned spirulina benefits, this supplement is also proven to protect the person against various kinds of infections such as AIDS and influenza. It also contains lots of amino acids, which is considered to be one of the most helpful substances that can help in preventing different kinds of heart diseases.

 By taking spirulina, you will be assured that you will get a total health benefit because it does not only help in preventing heart diseases but also prevent depression and diabetes.

Another benefit of spirulina is that, like green tea, it is also one of the most natural anti-aging products that can be found in the market. For those people who have a problem with their metabolism, you can just take spirulina and your metabolism will be improved. Spirulina also have the capability to strengthen your teeth and your bones as well as improve you eyesight. Once you have taken spirulina, you will be assured that you will get a total health benefit.

There are several spirulina benefits that individuals can experience by taking supplements that are made from these algae. However, it is important that they consult their doctors first before taking any supplements. This is to make sure that it will not have negative effects on their health.